We live to fight another day! Or as they say "
lose the battle to win the war." Welcome to the first of 365 days. Resolutions? I have a lot in mind although I did not pen them but I am sure, just as you, that today has to be better than yesterday. Every dawn brings with it possibilities and I have a feeling that this is going be one of the greatest.
If you ever made mistakes in the past year, then you better carry the lessons forward because that, my dear, is how you grow. What do you do when you fall off a horse? You climb right back. One of the things I want to do this year is to travel and explore and I don't care how far from home I will wander as long as I see the world.Other than that, I want to go zip-lining on my birthday. SHHHH! Like one of my very good pals likes to say, the rest of what I want to do this year are just details.
While in the spirit of adventure, there are few things you may need to include in your packing list because you risk standing out as a tourist or worst still, you can easily become a fashion victim in foreign lands. Nonetheless, always remember to pack a pair of stylish polarized chic sunglasses for unmatched casual look. Be sure to add that to your list if at all you're thinking of doing the long walk or if you share my plans this year.
A pair of jeans is indispensable if you're looking for comfort, versatility and, of course, style. The choice for this faded jeans was based on the fact my wardrobe is full of dark solid colors, although I still dress to the nines from it. It is indisputable that skinny jeans are a fashion sensation globally. Despite the glamour, wearing too-tight jeans have health risks that I thought you should mind.
Doctors are of the opinion that very tight jeans restrict blood flow to your lower body, triggering compartment syndrome and damages to the muscles and nerves of the calves.
For this reason, go for jeans made from fairly elastic fabric so that you are very flexible, like the one am wearing. Elastic and stretching pants can allow you to jump, swirl or do a 180 degrees on the floor without having to worry about swollen muscles or compressed nerves. Lol (Don't try this at home).
Depending on your destination, you may need several tops.The off-white top is one among many that I stumbled upon while on one of my thrifting rendezvous. Sleeveless ones are great for a sunny day or fairly warm conditions. Needless to reiterate, do not wear that while going skiing on Alps Mountains. However, sleeveless gives your skin some space to "breathe" and in case you are planning to handout in the tropics, wear sunscreen, especially if are light-skin.

Oh, the converse shoes!! I could go on and on and on and still be unable to find the right words to explain how I feel about these babies. They are simple, comfortable, warm, breathable.Just everything you'd need to brave any kind of weather. You can also do boots-flat ones- and a neck piece. I acquired mine from one of the many twilight hawkers on Nairobi streets for a few coins. The chocolate brown strand is made from leather while the pendants are made from brass.It's almost weightless.Be careful not to prison yourself; there is a difference between a neck piece and a chain!
A travel bag is as important as well and you better match it up. I love my travel bag because it can basically contain everything I'd need for three straight days. Some light clothes, a small makeup bag, lotion and the tinny tiny stuff. It's very spacious and the colors are pretty simple to match.
I have a confession to make though and it may sound crazy but I only wear watches to accessorize because I'm so used to checking the time on my phone.Am I alone in this? However, it rocks and am thinking my
vintage collection.
If you don't have a pair of looped earrings in your collection, then you better get one because it summarizes your casual look. I got mine from
Accessorize with Elle and this silvery awesome pair has become my wardrobe staple. The earrings are versatile, light weight and very comfortable and, the best part is that, they come in various different sizes so you get to choose what you want depending on how small or big you want your loop to be.
Whether you're thinking of a road trip, a picnic, a hike or whether you're having one of those days when you just want to chill out with a good read while listening to some sweet music in the background, think light, think versatile...a little stretchy pair of jeans goes a long way.
Feel free to share your thoughts about this in the comment box.
Go ye therefore and have you an awesome, adventurous and fun-filled year.
Love, Lynn