They say that the right pair of shoes can change the feel of an outfit...but what could you do with a gold pump?

Good evening lovely people.I know it's been a while since we met here but I am sure we have bumped into each other somewhere on the internets.Sharing what I have been up to would take up the whole of this post and two others, but I sure hope you're doing well.The weather though?It's below zero in Eldoret...smh
Nevertheless,I'd love to share with you guys different ways in which you can wear and style your gold pumps and today's look is one of those.
As it is, gold will almost work out with all solid colors and it gets even more interesting when the color is bright.That explains why I settled on this orange, long-sleeved pull-neck top.The original idea was to do two solid colors but then I decided to throw in some prints and cream to give a whole different touch to the outfit.I must admit that I love the outcome and I'm curious about what you guys think!
Keep it here for more looks from this series. Don't forget to share and subscribe.
Till next time, adios.Follow me on Instagram @beinglynn for more of this look
Love, Lynn
Make up: Ma'chichi
Photography: Naomi Samantha Photography
Skirt: Tailored
Top: My closet
Shoes: Zion Eldoret