Tuesday, November 7, 2017


First off, just let me start by saying that I am super excited that December is around the corner.FYI, I know someone who's been doing a countdown to Christmas since January.Sigh.
Anyway, I hope that November is off to a good start for you and of course It's always awesome catching up with you guys here.
When someone mentions gingham prints, the first thing that comes to mind is a school uniform. Well, until I saw this ruffle top with blue and white prints, too much hand space and it's versatility in terms of how many ways it can be worn(post for another day). I have never really given this vibe much thought really, but lately, well....I particularly fell in love with the strap or is it a belt that can be tied up into a cute little bow detail(or virtually anything you want to)
So for this look, I decided to go for a black pair of faux leather pants and a pair of red  pumps.
I settled on red because the prints on the top are very subtle and I thought I could do with some accents, considering that black is the mother of all neutral colors.
That is all from me today loves, I wish you guys a great month!
Top House of fashion Nairobi 
Pants here
Shoes my closet
Photography Naomi Samantha



  1. Oh ooooh, you were already miving the world here without my knowledge, you look so fine I wanna go back to school and meet you in uniform. Everyone looking and wants to be a classy lady has to heed your advice. ������

  2. I cannot wait for Christmas as well and you are killing it with those pants!

